v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2022/04

  1. bad April Fools content : pretending your brand is going to pivot into doing something fun but uncharacteristic good April Fools content : making and releasing a fun little thing that is uncharacteristic for your brand
  2. …in reply to @v21
    if you make a brown videogame full of guns, then don't joke about making a romance game. _make_ a romance game.
  3. good person / bad food : Gene Wolfe inventing Pringles bad person / good food : Margaret Thatcher inventing soft-serve icecream
  4. I reckon a horse would totally flip out if you put it in microgravity.
  5. …in reply to @v21
    Very dangerous situation
  6. …in reply to @catacalypto
    @catacalypto oh, much safer. as long as you're friends with the horsipede.
  7. i love this terrible writing
  8. RT @samlwalton: it's weird that women need to disclose the most traumatic experiences of their lives to write about nature while men just n…
  9. …in reply to @tomokihara
    @tomokihara here's something @vivschwarz made, which i think fits the kind of shape you're talking about: vivianeschwarz.co.uk/essays/worry-planner/
  10. …in reply to @v21
    @tomokihara i also remember my revelation about the purpose of all the stationery and stuff with bullet journalling - it gives structure and things to fiddle with, a soothing context from which you can look at stressful stuff.
  11. …in reply to @v21
    @tomokihara i guess both of these point to something i've been thinking with this stuff - it's not about the data or drawing connections or whatever, it's about actually being willing to look & think about this. for me, anyway.
  12. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt i wore some hired-out bowling shoes in January!
  13. RT @oneunderscore__: It's hard to express just how radicalized far-right spaces have become in the last month, in part because this new bra…
  14. RT @fireh9lly: This 2017 piece on Ghostbusters and the Discourse is really, really good thesundae.net/2017/05/07/ghostbusters-2016-a-hillary-clinton-story/ via @sundaeblog
  15. "Kalt feared that criminals might read the essay and commit a crime in the Zone before the loophole was fixed." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_Death_(Yellowstone)
  16. …in reply to @v21
    good content today : Among Us horsies, A Short Hike 99 look we know it's gonna be a bit crap and jam-quality, that's fine, it feels good to be let into the process a bit. to be on the inside of the joke.
  17. extremely funny if WASM turns out to be the common runtime all software is built for. move over "C is the lingua franca of software", it's time for Javascript. (for more on C's role as a protocol, see gankra.github.io/blah/c-isn't-a-language)
  18. RT @disconcision: playing with a few little naming-related mouse microtactics: (1) drag-and-drop to reference a variable, (2) drag-and-drop…
  19. …in reply to @DilettanteryPod
    @DilettanteryPod dunno what the most important one is, but I thought this one from a few days ago was reasonably important washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/
  20. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin it's so good
  21. …in reply to @RylamiS
    @RylamiS Since this one, it downscales the images to a more reasonable size and also tries to preload them
  22. RT @MeanestTA: Everyone on my team (5 men ages 48-75) texts me to make sure the slang they’re using is correct in context. Some examples be…
  23. …in reply to @_Tom_Henderson_
    @_Tom_Henderson_ are games more delayed/shipped buggier these days? feels like that's always been the case, although if you're gonna postpone stuff these days maybe you'd enjoy the excuse of *waves hands* all this.
  24. …in reply to @v21
    @_Tom_Henderson_ also... office leases are usually negotiated a few years at a time, managers have a job that involves "talking to people" so will feel differently from people who "actually make things", and "measuring productivity" is a difficult & subjective problem to solve!
  25. …in reply to @v21
    @_Tom_Henderson_ like, ime, upper management's main concern with WFH is not productivity, but things like "long term team cohesion" and "innovation due to serendipitous conversations". the 'leccy bills did not enter their thinking!
  26. RT @alienmelon: “Downpour is a fun, quick and accessible way to make your own videogames. Take photos of yourself, your drawings, your worl…
  27. …in reply to @SkrivaFel
    @SkrivaFel you are: totally the target market <3
  28. …in reply to @steveruizok
    @steveruizok the discontinuity detection here is fascinating
  29. RT @gillianmsmith: Intro to Game AI and machine learning for kids, 1962.
  30. …in reply to @TopLeftBrick
    @TopLeftBrick @ntschk yes! I was very excited when I saw that talk
  31. RT @JohnRMoffitt: With petroglyphs dating back thousands of years, the Al Naslaa rock formation towers over its surroundings.  However, it…
  32. …in reply to @v21
    reminded of this thread (^^) about the massive disconnect between shooting film & VFX, and how frustrating it must be to be a director & have a critical part of the process tied up in crunched outsourced studios: @dunkwun/1510436479591280640
  33. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin i am excited to see it! but also bummed there's no UK release planned.
  34. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly the dandruff quote is a fake
  35. RT @libcomorg: “I pretty much flipped my whole department. What I’ll do is study a group of friends and go to the leader of the pack. Whate…
  36. talking with multiple groups of friends & it's really exciting to me how powerful "leaving a computer on in a corner somewhere" is as a hosting model
  37. RT @hautepop: "Transforming the entire energy system that undergirds industrial capitalism and minimizing disruptions to the natural enviro…
  38. …in reply to @Skull_Beneath
    @Skull_Beneath @PixieStitchs @kj_charles ok ok ok, I loved A Seditious Affair and it was definitely the kind of thing I was thinking of when I asked for pirate books. so... yeah, guess I should keep going with her stuff!
  39. …in reply to @v21
  40. …in reply to @notsowiseowl
    @notsowiseowl @TaylorLorenz there's a nice bit in Blockchain Chicken Farm about oyster shucking parties!
  41. …in reply to @_benui
    @_benui @everestpipkin yeah, it's painful to host a website on, but Minecraft server, Plex, backups, Twitter bots, game streaming if it's beefy etc etc. "personal computing" but without necessarily needing you to sit in front of it
  42. …in reply to @AnnaHollinrake
    @AnnaHollinrake ok but the amazing thing is you get to paint that view while warm & in pyjamas
  43. …in reply to @Ninfa_dp
    @Ninfa_dp and then the Gods will curse you with a really cool project with a collaborator in Japan
  44. …in reply to @AnnaHollinrake
    @AnnaHollinrake Britain: Could Be Good If We Tried, But We Didn't
  45. this is the wildest paper. plants can maybe... see? @DorsaAmir/1508502038795087873
  46. …in reply to @thestarboretum
    @thestarboretum yeah, i know, a ton of other possibilities. there's a reason i put a "maybe" in there! (tho i don't think it's a shoddy paper - it's measured in its claims & is saying "hey we found a weird thing, is this anything?")
  47. this is really cool. live coding, node based editing of procedural text @mewo2/1510740527574102031
  48. RT @alexvtunzelmann: In my lifetime we’ve gone from free university education with cost of living grants to saddling students with a potent…
  49. idle question: I'm doing the Now Play This hosting for Downpour using Express (which I'm new to) with Typescript (which I've used a lot). Express is fine, but it's crufty and not very amenable to Typescript. Is there a better alternative, or should I stick with the common thing?
  50. …in reply to @v21
    (I do find it kinda funny that I have gotten a lot of Typescript experience with Node without having really having had to think about "writing a web service" before)
  51. …in reply to @liza
    @liza thanks, will have a dig through. tbh, not fully sure of what the requirements will be, just feeling out my thoughts on the thing I'm using for this bit.
  52. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly 🫰🫰🫰 but also, yes, resting is really hard and 19 months in I am still not great at it.
  53. …in reply to @v21
    @nielsen_holly (also, as someone who *does* have it worse, please complain away! there's no monopoly on wishing your body would let you do more)
  54. …in reply to @lazerwalker
    @lazerwalker it's a good provocation! yeah, idk. my instincts are towards "just run everything on one server" (with maybe something S3-like when I need it). reliable enough, at the point I'll need scaling I'll have a whole different set of problems, and cheap to run as an ongoing thing.
  55. …in reply to @v21
    @lazerwalker CBDQ needed to be bumped up to a medium sized VPS (and also some broken code stuff needed fixing), but that's all the scaling I've had to do on it.
  56. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore oh, Koa is a good shout, I do think it is more webservice shaped than webapp shaped. not that I have a great understanding of my requirements yet, just wanna think about it while the NPT hosting is in my head.
  57. …in reply to @v21
    @infovore kind of nice building a toy version before you start building the real one
  58. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly that's scary!!
  59. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles yess, very much into this!!
  60. here is a great review of a great book, pulling apart the chewy stuff that the book attempts to do with poetry and sci-fi strangehorizons.com/non-fiction/deep-wheel-orcadia-by-harry-josephine-giles/
  61. …in reply to @v21
    and also i am very excited to see there's an audiobook version! this is a book i read by reading it aloud to myself, to get a better sense of the cadence and meaning of the language, so i'm very glad to be able to hear Josie doing it instead @HJosephineGiles/1510968395390492674?s=20&t=mZEkesUZaNUtdvlq0960zA
  62. …in reply to @lazerwalker
    @lazerwalker yeah, i get you, and i could imagine going that way more easily for stuff that is a bit more experimental or finite-lifetime.
  63. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly it's gonna be really funny if this whole experience turns you into a goth
  64. RT @_Yuming_Li: painting, exploring colors!
  65. …in reply to @v21
  66. …in reply to @AnnaHollinrake
    @AnnaHollinrake @roryjobson @SamMGreer so what you're saying is i fucked up by not wearing my big boots out
  67. …in reply to @v21
    a spreadsheet is a type of node editor @disconcision/1500909492049006592
  68. …in reply to @v21
    (if you draw arrows between the cells that refer to each other. and of course, what spreadsheet software these days doesn't allow you to click to select a cell to refer to)
  69. …in reply to @v21
    i guess the other interesting thing here is that each node is of the same intrinsic type, "expression", and it is by typing these expressions that you vary their functionality. compare Pd: (screenshot from puredata.info/docs/manuals/pd/x2.htm#s1.2)
  70. …in reply to @v21
    node editor for generating procedural text: pangur.club/ a few neat things: - it operates on "pulses" - which are strings, sequenced, in flight - there's a "Search for Poem" node
  71. …in reply to @KeirRice
    @KeirRice @col000r i bet i would (i have been meaning to crack open VCV Rack again). maybe i should... buy a VR??
  72. RT @MgmtGAesthetic: 'SimFarm' - 1993
  73. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno and something where (if you don't have them on hand) you have to take a trip out to pick them up, go home to do them, then go to the doctor.
  74. Frog spawn normally appears in ponds and slow-moving streams in March. If you're too late to see frog spawn never fear – tadpoles will appear around April and are even more fun to find.
  75. …in reply to @v21
    (this is a cryptic tease for a new project)
  76. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort thank you for participating. your frog:
  77. …in reply to @yoondust
    @yoondust thank you for participating. your frog:
  78. …in reply to @LydNicholas
    @LydNicholas @adrianhon getting on my hobbyhorse here for a sec... fuck "innovation", there's so much stuff that is not especially new or innovative but is just not regularly done to a high standard. put the effort into that, and the innovation will take care of itself.
  79. RT @Tom_OBedlam: roguelike wikis are incredible
  80. …in reply to @youngvulgarian
    @youngvulgarian this is gonna make you more mad, but... My mortgage for a 2 bed in Camberwell (bought a year ago) is £1400 a month.
  81. RT @v21: Twitter shouldn't add an edit button, but *should* add a "delete and redraft" button (where the tweet & the metadata pops back int…
  82. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck but can Goldilocks use an LFT?
  83. …in reply to @designCaitlin
  84. new blog post, on doing a way of doing automated off-site backups that doesn't involve a subscription plan v21.io/blog/collective-backups
  85. …in reply to @hpowellsmith
    @hpowellsmith thank you for participating. your frog:
  86. …in reply to @WAptekar
    @WAptekar it does have file versioning modes, although I'm not sure exactly which of those settings I'd recommend
  87. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate I wonder why all the newspapers are owned by rich people who operate them at a loss
  88. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial I've not seen any beard chat. But, while we're here...
  89. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial it's from an old issue of Doom Patrol. which I reckon you would like the TV show of? people with weird powers rattling around an old house and trying to deal with trauma. and also weird shit that keeps happening to them.
  90. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial (it does have a lot of queer feelings)
  91. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial oh, and it literally has a sentient transvestite street, who is much beloved.
  92. [poll] please refer to images in next tweet
  93. …in reply to @v21
  94. …in reply to @v21
    more on Pangur @mewo2/1511415618733498379 I guess the more generalizable thing here is a snapshot of a node editor can be code & momentary state & maybe a hint about how it is changing.
  95. RT @59awakadoy: 時間ができたら色紙販売します
  96. …in reply to @EmmaSzewczak
    @EmmaSzewczak this floorplan is wild. the bathroom is through the kitchen? the bedroom is only accessible through the garden?
  97. have been spectating this & it's pretty fun to watch! set up in a really thoughtful way, with each player having private "confessional" channels, roundups, spectator chat etc. feels like being in the Survivor editing room. @doougle/1510955514766962688
  98. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw this is correct
  99. a great example of this is the story of specialty cheeses between the 20s & and the 90s: thecourtyarddairy.co.uk/blog/history-british-cheese-20th-century-eradication-farmhouse-production/ @hownottodraw/1511443840078655492
  100. …in reply to @mrsambarlow
    @mrsambarlow well, a question here is: are you designing for Immortality to be played communally, as a conversation between players, or are you designing for it to be played by people on their own or maybe in small groups.
  101. …in reply to @v21
    @mrsambarlow the wiki as an intentional part of the game design. a game designed for a community, not just for a player.
  102. …in reply to @v21
    what is the smallest vocabulary capable of expressing dissatisfaction with current working conditions and support for the idea of forming a union @abby4thepeople/1511167965374427150
  103. …in reply to @v21
    and on the subject of telling an affecting story using only banal stock phrases, here's Richard Dawson singing "Jogging" youtube.com/watch?v=UGiQ_-Ktpvc
  104. …in reply to @v21
  105. …in reply to @deathsatchel
    @deathsatchel ohhhh, yeah, i can definitely see that.
  106. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek @mtrc @ghoulnoise @lazerwalker i'm sorry to say that Stephen's "mmm, interesting" strikes just as much fear into my heart as your "bzzzt wrong"
  107. …in reply to @v21
    @Draknek @mtrc @ghoulnoise @lazerwalker (i guess i am sorry to both of you there)
  108. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted one half of a lifestyle kink couple
  109. …in reply to @Carpe_DMT
    @Carpe_DMT @FantomasCinema the whole point of virtual sets is that the lighting matches up. which...
  110. sqlite is cool
  111. …in reply to @v21
    why have a database program running as it's own process, needing to be kept up, being managed etc when you can just embed it into your program and read and write to a file somewhere?
  112. new friend
  113. …in reply to @v21
    first impressions: the servos are more musical than the Eleksdraw
  114. …in reply to @v21
    I am slightly sad that everything happens in Inkscape, although tbf it's less finickity than "Universal G-code Sender"
  115. …in reply to @v21
    it's far too early to make pronouncements on this, but early indications are that it is going to be way more reliable than the Eleksdraw. even just the setup with the board and clips is better than I had.
  116. …in reply to @v21
    here's it in action, you can hear the machine sing for yourself (although... I either need to get less aggressive about pen up/pen down heights or I need some flatter paper)
  117. …in reply to @inconvergent
    @inconvergent yes, I did see that was there, tho I've not gotten to look at it. although tbqh I will probably keep using Inkscape for the foreseeable, I'm driving it from a windows machine & I do like previewing stuff.
  118. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc oh, that's a good idea. Also I reckon if I put the board sideways so I could clip on at both sides would also fix it. or just changing the config a little.
  119. RT @jackrusher: "The resultant javascript one-liner is a single horrendously inscrutable mega-expression." Another remarkable piece of madn…
  120. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle yah, of course! v21.io/files/temp/for_jazz.zip - got 90 secs of clean robot noises in there
  121. …in reply to @grapefrukt
    @grapefrukt oooh, even fancier
  122. …in reply to @v21
    @grapefrukt and yeah, there's a python lib & a CLI, i have options
  123. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle oh shit, this is amazing! 🤩
  124. …in reply to @v21
    *definitely* more musical @jazzmickle/1511685599882891267
  125. …in reply to @v21
    the thing about this type of game is that it quickly becomes incredibly complicated and time consuming. the people who commit to it, win. and the game is real time, you can post constantly. so, thinking about my current "limited vocabulary" kick... @v21/1500638220446490625
  126. …in reply to @v21
    what about running a game like this on a platform where you could only send, say, 5 messages a day (across public/private forums). and all of them are tweet length. of course, you can cram a *lot* into those messages, so maybe it still eats your life just drafting & redrafting
  127. …in reply to @v21
    the important thing, tho, is that you only receive messages in a batch, at the end of the day. so you know that you need to pay attention once a day, and don't have that nagging pull the rest of the time.
  128. RT @oldroadside: peach water tower, angle 2, frontage road, gaffney, south carolina, 1988
  129. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern @pillowfort Subterfuge feels like a great example of a game which has not solved this problem? but I admit I haven't played it.
  130. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern @DannyPage @pillowfort oh, that makes a ton of sense. yeah. the good news is i just spent the last half hour splurging some thoughts on how a one-a-day backstabbing game might work into a doc, so... might be looking for playtesters soon?
  131. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern @DannyPage @pillowfort (the dynamics are definitely a bit weird, but maybe good weird? we'll see!)
  132. Now Play This starts this Friday, and runs through the weekend. I was there yesterday, so I can report there are cool games, big projectors, some artfully arranged cardboard tubes and bits of red string. And also my new game making tool! nowplaythis.net/
  133. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort s'one of the paradoxes of fascism, innit. "By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak."
  134. …in reply to @GDLP__
    @GDLP__ this feels like it is a cousin of the way I feel about orbs @v21/907663496464269314
  135. RT @lena525: Good things in da Fred meyer's garden center
  136. …in reply to @v21
  137. RT @carlagannis: #flying with a window seat #volumetriccapture
  138. i'm right in the middle of the awkward phase of trying to grow out a fringe, which means... i wanna cut it back again
  139. …in reply to @EmmaTheresaJ
    @EmmaTheresaJ it's true! but I also don't wanna play a game that takes years to play, haha
  140. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett oooh! maybe focusing on some cops?
  141. RT @timnitGebru: It really irritates me that my research agenda has to be based on what tech bros decide to chase. They get $$$ chase X, X…
  142. wish you could configure some sort of setting in Steam so that you could let your friends stream games from your PC. the game would still be installed on your PC, and you'd be the one who owns it, but it'd handle swapping out the save files and achievements and that.
  143. …in reply to @v21
    obviously only viable with a fast computer, strong upload and a low ping. and probably by prearrangment about when someone's gonna use the computer. but those are all possible.
  144. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc yeah, but from a different account
  145. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort oh, right, yeah, the Family Sharing thing?
  146. …in reply to @v21
    Steam has this feature there in parts - there's Family Sharing (thx for the reminder @pillowfort) for playing a friend's games locally, and Remote Play for streaming a game. Even Remote Play Together, for streaming co-op games to friends while also playing locally.
  147. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc oh, huh!
  148. …in reply to @v21
    *holds hand to earpiece* I'm getting new information... Steam Remote Play Together is available for any game with remote play enabled, not just co-op games? So everything but the savefile shenanigans is already there (the owner has to initiate the session, too, I think).
  149. …in reply to @JPenuchot
    @JPenuchot yeah, I guess that + family sharing (so they have the license for the games) would work
  150. I know this won't be seen or make a difference, but to the people operating the systems that are some day going to scrape this tweet and use it to train proprietary ML models : fuck you. I don't give consent for this.
  151. RT @tininsteelian: Currently obsessed over the spinning fruits and vegetables in the intro of this Philips CD-i disc from 2004(!) https://t…
  152. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern what is personhood without a bit of inherited trauma, eh
  153. …in reply to @v21
    the thing that my previous setup did, that i now miss, is that it would start the plot by moving the arm around the bounding box of the plot, with the pen up. just to check that it's clear, and preview the alignment.
  154. …in reply to @ompuco
    @ompuco i wrote my own parser for the Hershey formats! it's a cool feeling to work with them - to parse data with that depth of history
  155. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow "chacani-vangogh" is kinda nice as a name
  156. …in reply to @v21
    If you have a game engine & it has a node editor, you have a modular synthesizer youtu.be/QXuHzH0IyRE?t=873 (via @jonbro)
  157. RT @christapeterso: this is the most evo psych thing I will every tweet I am sorry: it’s kinda interesting how humans are only pretty mildl…
  158. RT @mcclure111: Reliable security is about combining two things: - Something you can forget, and - Something you can lose.
  159. …in reply to @v21
    thinking about how "unalive" has entered the vernacular
  160. …in reply to @MaxKriegerVG
    @MaxKriegerVG you could identify someone from their dental records with that one
  161. …in reply to @flexmandeville
    @flexmandeville oh, thank you! and yes, this is what we spoke about ages ago, and yes, you're still on the list when I do get to the point of sending out beta test builds!
  162. …in reply to @moynibell
    @moynibell have you read Piranesi?
  163. …in reply to @moynibell
    @moynibell it's good!
  164. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc @vectorpark I have my problems with NNs, but "a sort of historical grudge" seems to more accurately describe these attempts to take it down from symbolic logic people.
  165. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark @hoskingc for sure. and my perspective also comes from studying Cognitive Science before NNs started popping off (so, like, 15 years ago)
  166. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark @hoskingc that's just a limitation of one layer NNs - you can't implement XOR without two or more layers.
  167. this looks beautiful youtu.be/Y3msQWpq4wM
  168. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc @vectorpark ah, yeah. yeah, not surprised that a language model is a bit fluffy on doing maths, but that's different from saying that a NN can't inherently do maths.
  169. RT @KarenAdamMSP: ‘…for households in the bottom 10% of household income to follow healthy eating guidance, they would have to spend 74% of…
  170. RT @devtesla: Addiction By Design is a giant book about every aspect of slot machines and has hundreds of stories like this that will kind…
  171. Now Play This starts today! I'm excited to see people start to make stuff with Downpour! @londongamesfest/1512358574042796037
  172. The Raincoats' cover of Lola youtube.com/watch?v=QufDdHzWhgw
  173. …in reply to @v21
    And we're off! the games are pouring in. want to see what people are making? all the games are playable here : npt.downpour.games/
  174. …in reply to @v21
    here's a stop motion turtle npt.downpour.games/fal1/
  175. …in reply to @v21
    Regency Horse Romance Simulator npt.downpour.games/sml0/
  176. …in reply to @em_cooper
    @em_cooper yeah, I thought so (cc @esaxey)
  177. …in reply to @LilCrowther
    @LilCrowther Thank you, I'm glad!! And yes, that would be great, I will get in touch next week and we can chat?
  178. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @emfcamp yes, let's chat! Planning on coming to EMF, would love for it to be there, but need to think through fatigue uncertainties. But I'm sure we can figure something out.
  179. …in reply to @esdin
    @esdin @Kalonica_ no (or do i mean... not yet??)
  180. RT @HJosephineGiles: Was at a protest today and this remains an urgent need! Here's one that played well: GIMME AN A! (A!) GIMME A B! (B!)…
  181. …in reply to @PlayFairIre
    @PlayFairIre @nowplaythese good tubes, huh?
  182. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward some corners of sci fi / fantasy
  183. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc saw screenshots from a TikTok account that talks about art & which was posting up pictures of eg Michaelangelo's David with a MS Paint lime mankini drawn on it to not get the videos taken down.
  184. gonna make a social network where you can post naked people all you want, but paintings and sculptures of nudes are banned.
  185. …in reply to @v21
    I thought about this for a few more seconds, and I changed my mind. The furries would send me death threats.
  186. RT @moreelen: Open up this tweet and scroll and you'll see Dave make a whole videogame from start to finish.
  187. wait, I did *not* put together the fact that the same person directed Kemonozume, Kaiba, Devilman Crybaby and Eizouken. Huh! Guess I really ought to watch Mind Game and Ping Pong.
  188. …in reply to @v21
    I was vaguely aware the first three were connected, I think, but did not connect them at all to Eizouken, which I loved. But also it totally makes sense in retrospect, if only for the sheer inventiveness and restlessness.
  189. …in reply to @v21
    the best thing about making a game with an online component is that you can change it while the festival is happening without getting told off by the people running the festival. also you can do that from bed. (just added a "Start again" link within the games)
  190. …in reply to @tomokihara
  191. i think the best thing about this year's NPT is something that you're not going to see. i got added to the WhatsApp group for people doing the design camp, spread across London and Abuja & everyone is so positive and bubbling with ideas and enthusiasm about making together.
  192. …in reply to @v21
    (if you're coming along in person, you can play a lot of the games and see what they were working on and talk to a bunch of the London folk)
  193. …in reply to @RobotJoel
    @RobotJoel yeah, really good vibes
  194. i have in the past deliberately dressed down to signal that my presence in a reasonably high status situation must be because of my technical skills! @peachblvd/1512614092397182983
  195. RT @redhistorian: Under the new student-loans repayment system, the highest earners will pay £20,000 *less* over their lifetimes. Middle-ea…
  196. in listening to this! @nowplaythese/1512745835943104512
  197. …in reply to @v21
    (& it's an interesting conversation)
  198. …in reply to @v21
    also I'll be talking about Downpour on the Now Play This Twitch channel at 3pm (and also in the hall) nowplaythis.net/game/approachable-game-making/
  199. …in reply to @fionchadd
  200. …in reply to @v21
    i am not entirely sure what's happening with this one, but i love it npt.downpour.games/apag/#
  201. …in reply to @v21
    get to know Erika & Tabi npt.downpour.games/hsip/
  202. …in reply to @v21
  203. …in reply to @v21
    "uhhhh... pick the red guy. he seems to be more interesting, I think" npt.downpour.games/1vqg/
  204. …in reply to @v21
    this is in a minute or two! tune in! gonna talk about making accessible tools!
  205. …in reply to @v21
    I think this is the largest game made in Downpour to date? Participate in spider democracy in... Arachnarchy! npt.downpour.games/ixt1/#
  206. …in reply to @iznaut
    @iznaut oh, it totally is, hah!
  207. …in reply to @v21
    Life horse! The life of a horse! @SpindleyQ/1512836709947523072?s=19
  208. …in reply to @v21
    If you can't make it down to Now Play This (still on for another day!) then you can do the next best thing and go on @profaniti's virtual walk through npt.downpour.games/7fb2/
  209. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN I am thirty to forty years old, sober, and I agree with you.
  210. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN any time! best of luck!
  211. this description sounds like the description of a game in a speculative fiction book where you're like "this sounds real cool, but could they actually make it work". but it's a real game, and the answer is apparently "seems like they might!" @NotBrunoAgain/1512921725691961344
  212. RT @JoshLipnik: diagrams from a 1966 concrete block catalog
  213. …in reply to @TopGnu
    @TopGnu retweeted it last night!
  214. …in reply to @v21
    @TopGnu (<3)
  215. …in reply to @designCaitlin
    @designCaitlin holy shit!!! congratulations to both of you!!!! look at THAT!
  216. editing videos to be watched at 1.5x speed
  217. watching a (very interesting) panel discussion on the Now Play This livestream and then sometimes zooming into the background to see people playing with Downpour
  218. …in reply to @v21
  219. …in reply to @v21
    if you wanna see what they're looking at: npt.downpour.games/cabinet and if you wanna watch the livestream: twitch.tv/nowplaythis
  220. …in reply to @pyrofoux
    @pyrofoux sorry i won't see you in person!
  221. love this video on a series of implausible and impractical data storage solutions (also accompanying academic paper) youtube.com/watch?v=JcJSW7Rprio
  222. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern partly what it means is that if you wanna be the best, you have to find an even more specific niche
  223. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern it's true! and i think the radicalisation thing genuinely is difficult to deal with because it's a negative side effect of an often positive thing
  224. …in reply to @v21
  225. …in reply to @v21
    @profaniti Breakfast KoNSeQueNSiEs npt.downpour.games/21iq
  226. …in reply to @v21
    and a sneaky little game about poking Thom's eyes out he made at the pub last night npt.downpour.games/czv7/#
  227. designing games, for me, is all about understanding the constraints in ever more wrinkled detail, and thinking of a better way to respond to them. people say "what would you make with infinite budget & time" and i'm like... i have no idea. @chhopsky/1512940624223236096
  228. …in reply to @v21
    like, good design for me is "oh, they made that work well but much more cheaply than i would've thought was possible!"
  229. RT @NylePudding: New feature in my Dazzle Designer, altering texture anchor values, allows for lots of freedom. Also the final output will…
  230. …in reply to @v21
    luckily as a game designer "you have infinite money" is rarely a scenario that comes up
  231. …in reply to @jimrossignol
    @jimrossignol i'm not saying i'm the best qualified, but i'd be willing to give it a shot!
  232. …in reply to @maxbittker
    @maxbittker yeah, i mean, a much more complicated question which i continue to try to find a good answer to!
  233. …in reply to @TodePond
    @TodePond thank you for participating. your frog:
  234. …in reply to @v21
    can you... choose the right door? npt.downpour.games/1g9r/
  235. …in reply to @v21
    Treasure Island: The Sequel npt.downpour.games/ykiz/ (i love that i can recognise the "Wiggle" bad ending from a previous game)
  236. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC right!!?
  237. RT @LibsElliott: I need to sew more of these quilts, right? This one is wall-hanging size and has reflective thread.
  238. RT @danctheduck: I have a design tool I call "Don't Solve the Hard Problem"
  239. …in reply to @molleindustria
    @molleindustria yeah, i mean, i was idly intending to before, but they just got bumped up a lot!
  240. RT @ryjhendrickson: When child abuse was fist studied systematically in the 1970s it turned out the abusers were suburban fathers, pastors,…
  241. RT @hotemogf: hello.. i made a tiny tool that lets you make tiny stories! ⁕ engine.lol ⁕ discord: discord.gg/c4DQ6mqJ htt…
  242. …in reply to @undefined
    @briecode online shopping vs in-store?
  243. yet another reason Markdown is terrible @madeleinecholia/1513329128338255873
  244. …in reply to @russss
    @russss yeah, one of the other reasons to hate Markdown is that there are so many variations and off-spec uses of it
  245. …in reply to @CheerfulGoth
    @CheerfulGoth at least an italic can be read as an action!
  246. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe okay, imagine: it's a shop, right? but they'll also make sandwiches for you!
  247. …in reply to @v21
    @patrickashe sometimes there's a cat
  248. still think it's weird that the person in the screaming center of online fandom rn is... Rhys Darby?
  249. "As always, we want to show that the history of games in China is not “partial, belated, or emerging” but rather a specific result of complex technological trajectories.[not] just nostalgia fodder but signposts to what a better, more open, and punk af tech future might look like" @ChaoyangTrap/1511550156084240385
  250. …in reply to @freezydorito
  251. …in reply to @sokpopco
    @sokpopco oh that's so good, so pleased for you!
  252. …in reply to @v21
    @sokpopco and (slightly selfishly) - lmk if I can help debug the M1 Mac issue
  253. …in reply to @AranKoning
    @AranKoning @sokpopco Looks like it's linking the wrong version of the Steam API? my Player log here: gist.github.com/v21/ee0805f7f6574079956d337a56607d70
  254. …in reply to @JennSandercock
    @JennSandercock this tweet was nestled up against this on my timeline: @harriorrihar/1513428079955353602
  255. RT @michael_deforge: working on a romance comic
  256. …in reply to @profaniti
    @profaniti oh nooooooo
  257. …in reply to @ka_bradley
    @ka_bradley hey, nice!
  258. i have a cold..... i think it's a cold, anyway
  259. …in reply to @v21
    (LFT was negative yesterday, might do another one today for a laugh)
  260. RT @joncstone: The best way to stop the oil protests would be to meet their demands, because their demands are correct, not particularly ra…
  261. RT @jessefuchs: Among many firsts and lasts, I am reasonably certain the Amiga is the only major personal computer partially designed by a…
  262. …in reply to @AranKoning
    @AranKoning @sokpopco i saw the itch update ping and just tried it. it does! well done!
  263. …in reply to @merrittk
    @merrittk defining struggle of my life for about the last 20 years
  264. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw @philippawarr just going to leave this word here: "claggy"
  265. [poll]
  266. …in reply to @v21
    [poll on the poll] the above choices:
  267. RT @BraulioAmado: New g🧱d r🧱m
  268. gotta recommend this post and Nathalie's previous blog posts on creative tools. a really exciting view on an internet filled with people making things to help other people make things. and having fun with it. @alienmelon/1513671876140101632
  269. …in reply to @v21
    eg this one, on the way that generative art & creative tools shimmer and merge into each other nathalielawhead.com/candybox/generative-art-tools-on-the-intersection-of-toys-tools-and-games, which *looks at my own Twitter bio* i definitely agree with
  270. …in reply to @chipzel
    @chipzel an Alexa (the tall one) TV speakers (old LG plasma) laptop speakers (Macbook) wired earbuds (KZ ones off Aliexpress, they're pretty good!) and very occasionally nice headphones (MDR-5600s)
  271. …in reply to @expectproblems
    @expectproblems *such* a good film
  272. RT @kaaauthor: Here's the full text of the letter posted below: Hi, it’s me, Katherine: Parent. Children’s author. Murderer. Child abuser.…
  273. there's a symbol in Unicode and no-one knows what it means or why it was added @ionathanch/1513993442635911168
  274. …in reply to @v21
  275. …in reply to @Prometheus110
    @Prometheus110 a plausible theory is that it was a chaos magic sigil & it's inclusion was an act of magic that has been more successful than intended
  276. …in reply to @moynibell
    @moynibell I'm glad! That space has stayed in my head for a long time
  277. RT @rudytheelder: Investigations into cellular automata, June 20, 1988. Rug Rule and Brian's Brain with Butterfly Gun. https://t.co/jKwtftS…
  278. …in reply to @v21
    my conclusion is that it neither a cold nor coronavirus and it is in fact hayfever triggered by tree pollen that has steadily gotten worse year on year
  279. …in reply to @v21
    on the plus side, not contagious on the negative side... this is gonna happen every year? ughhhhhhh
  280. what if instead of calling people you know online "internet friends" we called them "penpals"
  281. …in reply to @AmberFirefly
    @AmberFirefly @thentrythis your name-sister Now Play This is a CIC, and I don't know of any problems that's caused (besides being a faff to set up). but also I'm pretty vague on the difference between the two, so might not be the best placed to comment.
  282. …in reply to @kurai
    @kurai @twoscooters @OpenBarbers second this recommendation, they're great
  283. …in reply to @pyrofoux
    @pyrofoux that makes it oddly exciting, imo
  284. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv i've found a real lack of connection between how hard i've worked on something and the success it's found. which is not to say that there aren't rewards for hard work - but they're mainly found in the activity itself, rather than the consequences.
  285. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv i guess to clarify: some projects have needed hard work to be successful. but some haven't. and no connection between how effortful a project is and how rewarding it is.
  286. good thread for fans of murder, a particular kind of twee Englishness, and contextless screenshots @philippawarr/1499389024057888773
  287. RT @lackingceremony: How likeable a person is and how unlikeable that same person is are completely unrelated sliders. This is integral to…
  288. i would say as well: it's fine to have a career, you need to eat & live a life and so on. pretending you're entirely selfless and morally pure is how a lot of these kind of hypocrisies come about... and then the whole thing collapses into nothing but mush & self-interest. @SzMarsupial/1514190046940774402
  289. …in reply to @v21
    oddly the thing i most recently read that articulated a bit of this was this newsletter about smoked salmon vittles.substack.com/p/forman-grilled
  290. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort yeah. this is one reason that, although obviously opposition is necessary, I think it can be better to focus your energies on the things you want to sustain and support.
  291. …in reply to @danhett
    @danhett @kfc wait... i count 6 Herbs?
  292. Open Office Hours! did these for a few weeks a while back, and they were good! so let's do them again now I have headspace. if you would like to have a chat with me about something (anything!), then I have some time set aside on Thursday afternoons. v21.io/blog/lets-chat
  293. very exciting to see Strudel, a version of TidalCycles which runs in a browser and so you can just play with immediately strudel.tidalcycles.org/tutorial/
  294. …in reply to @v21
    sorry Haskell, Javascript is here now
  295. remembering making v21.io/calmingsphere/ and discovering that 16.7 million colours is not enough to avoid banding artefacts when doing gentle gradients
  296. …in reply to @v21
    the solution was to add a spatial and temporal dither, which gives the sphere a very subtle fizz
  297. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, nice example of how doing a simple thing often... isn't
  298. i just logged into Tumblr for the first time in many years
  299. …in reply to @gfscstudio
    @gfscstudio it's built with an old version Unity, running in a WASM WebGL canvas... so, no, not gonna touch it
  300. …in reply to @v21
    @gfscstudio (but this is cool to know)
  301. …in reply to @v21
  302. …in reply to @LotteMakesStuff
    @LotteMakesStuff ah-hah, thanks. and yeah, the gradient is generated on the shader, so it was all reasonably straightforward to do
  303. a load of fun behind the scenes tooling stuff in this thread @renaudbedard/1514218362624225286
  304. I wish there was a really good cross platform UI framework for Rust. Feels like it would unlock a lot of stuff. But this feels like a distant dream given how rare good UI frameworks are, like, ever.
  305. …in reply to @v21
    I say this because Rust has such a good story in terms of being able to work on the web via WASM, as well as natively everywhere else. Kind of inverting the trend of just making everything within a web browser (aka "Electron")
  306. …in reply to @v21
    tbqh it feels like this could be quite impactful work in terms of the climate crisis. how much carbon is emitted by Electron apps? how much less would be emitted if they were 30% more efficient?
  307. …in reply to @ukglo
    @ukglo I've been using Flutter recently (Downpour's editor is built in it). A lot to like there!
  308. …in reply to @hipsterelectron
    @hipsterelectron @ireneista I want stuff that's native so I can use it for webapps
  309. …in reply to @v21
    (this wouldn't immediately replace Electron everywhere... but, if successful, it would provide an alternative way to build the kinds of things Electron is used for, meaning fewer things would be built that way)
  310. …in reply to @v21
    anyway. a big project, especially to make something that is: - cross-platform - easy to build with - looks nice - works for non-English speakers - has accessibility hooks none of which you'd really want to compromise on
  311. …in reply to @enkiv2
    @enkiv2 I've been enjoying using Flutter. And people generally accomplish amazing things with HTML & the surrounding ecosystem.
  312. …in reply to @Orangetronic
    @Orangetronic that is one of the things that pursuaded me how powerful this could be! but are they making a good library for UI stuff, or just getting by themselves?
  313. …in reply to @DilettanteryPod
    @DilettanteryPod i'm British, but... no, no explanation here
  314. …in reply to @v21
    tumblr's great? maybe i'll start spending more time here. lmk if you're on there, i want more people to follow
  315. …in reply to @GretchenAMcC
    @GretchenAMcC followed!
  316. RT @merrittk: I get so mad when the New York Times publishes something dumb. I’m also delighted and relieved every morning I see the sun ri…
  317. tool recommendation: Heavy Paint heavypaint.com/ it is the digital painting tool that feels most... painty? it also feels very digital, but it has this presence, this (i'm gonna say it) heaviness to it
  318. …in reply to @v21
    anyway, fun to mess with, 30 day trial on iOS, i still can't draw lol
  319. cool to see this announced! this was probably the most exciting thing I saw in development while I was at Niantic @johnhanke/1514288734803574786
  320. the news that the garfield mug that looks like the mug from the roman empire has incredibly high levels of lead and cadium... it's the most "time is a flat circle" moment i can recall
  321. pleased with this! and now time for bed.
  322. this is about books, but... I continue to really feel for friends who work in boardgame publishing (with a side helping of relief that I'm not currently in that industry) @megireid/1513948809482670092
  323. …in reply to @robinhouston
    @robinhouston whoops, misclicked and voted for 1 rather than 2. 2 is the most likely to have me staring at a blank piece of paper, drawing inscrutable diagrams & generally Not Getting It. the others... you can keep trying things and eventually get there.
  324. RT @m_hakozaki: Hello #PortfolioDay I've been making virtual goldfish.
  325. …in reply to @otherwayworks
    @otherwayworks awwww! that's lovely to hear
  326. …in reply to @otherwayworks
    @otherwayworks i'd better get a move on, then!
  327. …in reply to @AmberFirefly
    @AmberFirefly I'm continually amazed at how much stuff The Tyranny of Structurelessness explains, and continues to explain.
  328. I think my favourite essay I've ever read is The Tyranny of Structurelessness. It is at once very specific to it's context but also applies to so many more. jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
  329. …in reply to @v21
    tl;dr : if you don't have a formal hierarchy, you probably have an informal one instead. and it's much harder to change an informal hierarchy than a formal one. (but read the whole thing)
  330. …in reply to @Mandelbo
    @Mandelbo easy
  331. …in reply to @Mandelbo
    @Mandelbo I got one cheap off ebay a few years back!
  332. …in reply to @v21
  333. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine i wonder why "literary crimes" is in sans serif
  334. …in reply to @v21
    a menagerie
  335. …in reply to @agentsaba
    @agentsaba @isaac_fellman @kate_mckean it's out!? !! oh, but not in the UK
  336. …in reply to @isaac_fellman
    @isaac_fellman @agentsaba @kate_mckean ugh, a shame that it isn't! but I'll have a bit more of a look, knowing it's not imminent
  337. …in reply to @v21
    @isaac_fellman @agentsaba @kate_mckean that was easier than expected - it's on the way, and not even from Amazon
  338. I said this the other week, but The Raincoats' Lola youtu.be/QufDdHzWhgw @MissDahlELama/1514466900654403585
  339. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial Happy birthday! Gwan yourself!
  340. …in reply to @v21
    I am breaking my rule and embedding the actual tweet in here. A pen that writes shapes that float on water? @RavityHome/1508657371551215617
  341. …in reply to @varjmes
    @varjmes yeah. this happens to me. Or, happened, I'm a bit improved now. The only advice I can give you is to avoid doing anything tiring you *can* avoid. I work from bed because that's much less tiring than sitting upright. I don't shower enough because it knocks me out for a bit.
  342. …in reply to @v21
    @varjmes And. I should also say - this sucks a lot, solidarity.
  343. …in reply to @varjmes
    @varjmes don't know the cause, it came kind of out of the blue one day 18 months ago. had a lot of tests to no avail. and time and resting has improved it, but I'm still very much limited by it. but I can work from bed all day now, which I'm glad of.
  344. RT @komi_tsu: 「suitcase adventure」という小さなゲームを@mikyokyuji と一緒につくりました🧳👛🔑 スーツケースから始まる、操作感覚の旅にでよう。 ブラウザであそべます▷mikyokyuji.itch.io/suitcase-adventure https://…
  345. RT @CoolBoxArt: Puzzle Bobble 2X / Disc / Taito / 1996
  346. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial yes please
  347. …in reply to @0xhexhex
    @0xhexhex @StuartHumphryes It's the theme from Jeeves and Wooster
  348. …in reply to @v21
  349. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HJosephineGiles have a lovely time!
  350. it's kind of wonderful that the message after I get when I catch up with my grandmother & aunts & cousins is about how Zoom is "A Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Meeting Solutions"
  351. …in reply to @v21
    sometimes corporate bullshit getting tangled up in places where we are trying to build our lives is hateful, but this is so mismatched it ends up charming
  352. …in reply to @v21
    cement slab aesthetics @everestpipkin/1301765074986643457
  353. …in reply to @freezydorito
    @freezydorito sometimes when i am working in bed Pixie will come hassle me to let her sit in my lap (no! that's where the laptop is!) and sometimes I'll work upstairs and come down to find her happily curled up in the spot I would be sitting
  354. RT @imaginari_es: Good news for successful folks everywhere: @TotalEnergiesPR's 1975 trademark "I am a total success" has expired https://t…
  355. …in reply to @ldreamfeel
    @ldreamfeel there *is* complicated stuff about it being tricky to run the grid with a load of extra power sources feeding in. don't know how solvable that it, or if there's inherent efficiency losses there.
  356. RT @ebooks_goetia: № 9102 Strategist ALAKUPHUSCA, DEMON of: ‣ cowhands ‣ growled prisms
  357. liked this piece on a networking service that talks about decentralization, but decentralization in service of making a small network with people you trust, not in replacing trust with systems frontier.is/newsletters/networking-opportunity/
  358. RT @lunasorcery: me: why is there a file called 'girl' in my home directory, created more than a year ago? me, a moment later: why, when…
  359. …in reply to @legocrimes
    @legocrimes @29notions yes, exactly
  360. game devs know & love that post-ship low @actatumonline/1514635965205151747
  361. …in reply to @v21
    *especially* when it coincides with having to do post-launch support
  362. …in reply to @mooonmagic
    @mooonmagic listening now!
  363. hah - i was at this show, and i did indeed go down the road to buy some merch (a 25% cut?! disgraceful) theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/15/holding-the-artist-to-ransom-musicians-struggle-to-break-even-as-venues-and-universal-cream-off-merch-sales
  364. RT @MohitBhoite: Beautiful hand-drawn PCB artwork on the other side.
  365. …in reply to @v21
    i love videogames (via @CoolBoxArt/1019288932712960012)
  366. RT @GIFmodel: "You have a corner of cyberspace....and you use it like a broom closet."
  367. RT @Eko3316: 1/ A quick thread about Joan Shogren, the secretary who convinced Chemists to create the very first algorithm to generate comp…
  368. …in reply to @ChellaRamanan
    @ChellaRamanan they love to bake with volumes
  369. if you have to recognise a number plate (say, you're waiting for a hire car), do you look for the
  370. …in reply to @ChellaRamanan
    @ChellaRamanan @jim_unwin It makes more sense once you learn that butter in the US comes like this
  371. went to the park with friends and sat under some blossoms. a good feeling.
  372. …in reply to @Singyamatokun
    @Singyamatokun and when I left, I wasn't even shivering!
  373. RT @eversion: I think about this diagram a lot, but to my shame I didn't make a note of the source.
  374. …in reply to @TupelosHoney
    @TupelosHoney i am 19 months into a fatigue condition, i've had a pile of negative tests for things it isn't, i am currently lying here conked out from a day of mild exertion... but i'm still chasing an actual diagnosis
  375. …in reply to @v21
    @TupelosHoney but even if i get an official diagnosis of CFS (which is a diagnosis of exclusion, it just means "you have fatigue and it's not for any more specific reason"), there's still not really any treatment. besides "don't overdo it"
  376. …in reply to @v21
    @TupelosHoney i dunno. i get what you're trying to say, but i am out here living with a medical condition that is not diagnosed, getting an official diagnosis will not especially help me, but pretending i don't have it would really fuck me up.
  377. …in reply to @LilRecordGirl
    @LilRecordGirl @TupelosHoney yep, had that tested several times (and, iirc, currently waiting on *another* blood test for it, in the hopes that might help me finally get a rheumatology referral through the NHS)
  378. …in reply to @TupelosHoney
    @TupelosHoney ach, fibro sucks, i'm sorry. but yeah, i have been tested fairly thoroughly, i just haven't had the energy to yet push through a lot of bureaucracy to get a diagnosis that will, most likely, not offer me any paths towards treatment.
  379. RT @KadriLiik: So here it is: my Muhu skirt. Made by grandmother/great aunt in 1930s. Self-made from scratch: they grew sheep, cut wool, ma…
  380. …in reply to @freezydorito
  381. RT @NGruen1: Extensive empirical research leads me to argue that instead, a core goal of public policy should be to facilitate the developm…
  382. RT @NewStatesman: ⚫️Our data on celebrities in particular shows that there are competing accounts of what might define class, with the youn…
  383. It happened to me: I read one and half Agatha Christie's in short succession and now my internal monologue is full of phrases that have been out of date for a hundred years. "now look here" "what rot!" "a simply horrid little affair" "just ghastly" etc
  384. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb Not really! I'm not really an Agatha Christie expert. I just read The Mysterious Affair At Styles and am reading Evil Under The Sun, as popular ones that are not the most famous (and so I know the answers, like Orient Express & Roger Ackroyd)
  385. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb I mean, tbqh, I would recommend Dorothy L Sayers instead. Strong Poison is maybe a good place to start for her.
  386. …in reply to @johnnemann
    @johnnemann @KommanderKlobb If you don't know it, Roger Ackroyd is definitely worth reading after you've read one or two of hers. Don't look up the solution, tho!
  387. RT @pangmeli: more rintaro sawada
  388. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial oh, right, this explains a lot
  389. …in reply to @v21
    @SzMarsupial definitely hear your voice saying "it's just horrid" etc
  390. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial remembering the whole thing with the Nazi radio broadcasts and reframing it into "yr fave is getting cancelled for problematic behaviour"
  391. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial @LTunscripted have you read Saki? I love Saki.
  392. everyone is very enthusiastic for "community accountability and healing etc" but sometimes that means someone is really annoying and eventually you tell them that and then they're like... no, but let's have a dialogue about how annoying I am. let's heal together.
  393. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern yep, as a dev I heard conversations not too long after launch saying that they were only funding games with good retention - so goodbye anything narrative, anything you play through once and are done with
  394. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern it would need a really strong creative vision and leadership to have any other outcome, tbh - any "mobile gaming" person you talk to will be thinking about DAUs and LTV and all that. so to hire a mobile gaming department with a different set of values...
  395. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern And you need that sense of a strong alternative vision to hold among high level management, or else you'll be constantly judged on metrics you're not aiming for. And Apple has shown no sign of having a strong vision for games.
  396. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern right, fundamentally they don't care about games, and they haven't taken many positive steps to improve the game ecosystem on their platform. they have fixed some problems, when consumers or big developers have complained enough, but it's run by people who see no prestige in it.
  397. …in reply to @v21
    @alexhern which is kind of fucked given a double digit percentage of Apple's gigantic yearly profit comes from their take from iOS games, but. that's where it is.
  398. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle looks pretty good now, tbh!
  399. RT @jazzmickle: w()rldp4int
  400. …in reply to @gfscstudio
    @gfscstudio nodejs is fine but as soon as you start getting it involved when you're trying to make a webpage, you're in for a bad time
  401. …in reply to @v21
    @gfscstudio running a service, great serving a webpage, it's okay compiling the code for a webpage, terrible
  402. RT @finalfinalgirl: Alrighty. The #gdc2022 Vault is open and you can tune into me and the excellent @v21 talking about making space for dis…
  403. …in reply to @itskindred
    @itskindred 50 on this browser, 1 in another browser, something like 12 on the computer across the room. lower than normal because i'm approaching the end of a bank holiday. phone doesn't count.
  404. …in reply to @catacalypto
    @catacalypto but on the NYT's side, i think
  405. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck fuck yes
  406. RT @peregrine_coast: Good lord the sheer energy of this https://t.co/U91Ewug1Xz
  407. RT @gp_jls: I wrote up the basic argument for trans people’s lives not as moral panic debunking, but bread and butter materialism. (It’s al…
  408. RT @imgoonn: Lol
  409. RT @freezydorito: huh i wonder what the difference is https://t.co/RNUCxYkgbU
  410. RT @rajiinio: ICYMI: Twitter conducted one of the largest platform audits ever (randomized trial on 58 million users) to assess "political…
  411. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial love the idea of a job whose requirements are: - top secret security clearance - calm under pressure - neat handwriting when writing back to front
  412. …in reply to @LotteMakesStuff
    @LotteMakesStuff who amongst us hasn't gotten a really bland patch note localised and then not been bothered to go out and do localisation work every time they want to push a patch out
  413. …in reply to @DilettanteryPod
    @DilettanteryPod you mean like one of the illegal parties that the UK Goverment is in crisis over being the leaving party of the now deputy editor of The Sun
  414. [poll]
  415. RT @50WattsDotCom: Frog family by Shotaro Honda circa 1928 Japan
  416. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv i think you are setting overly specific parameters because these are the ways that you express these things.
  417. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv i know people to whom i would ascribe these characteristics who do good work within a formal system - eg education, nurturing and supporting hundreds through that. i build creative tools because for me that seems more powerful than writing (tens of thousands use Cheap Bots)
  418. RT @peytonology: this was a person who was out here in 1882 saying, "i am more than half-persuaded that i am a man's soul, put by some frea…
  419. …in reply to @chipzel
    @chipzel in my experience, this is the best way
  420. …in reply to @chipzel
    @chipzel i got a private consult (through GenderCare), which means I now have a shared care prescription through my GP
  421. …in reply to @v21
    @chipzel the waiting lists for the NHS via the main pathways are... I mean, I would reckon they're somewhere between 5-10 years? just not really an option (tho arguably it's worth getting on the waiting list now just so some day you can get on that pathway)
  422. …in reply to @v21
    @chipzel but also you can self-med (tho T is more annoying to acquire, I understand), and then go to your GP & be like... look, I'm gonna do this anyway, can you give me blood tests and maybe prescribe me it so I'm getting less dodgy stuff.
  423. …in reply to @v21
    @chipzel also have a friend who went via GenderGP, which I think is a quicker private pathway than GenderCare (I was waiting around a year, plus fuckery around NHS fertility referrals)
  424. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski okay but to be fair i'd rather write an engine that can render landscapes than one that can render text
  425. …in reply to @v21
  426. RT @min_yum: jackets 🙃
  427. …in reply to @v21
    update: the recording of my GDC talk on looking after employees with chronic illness is now available! and also @finalfinalgirl's talk on mental illness, which I think pairs really well with it. gdcvault.com/play/1027761/Independent-Games-Summit-Making-Room
  428. …in reply to @jkap
    @jkap i hate it so much
  429. RT @kamibox_ph: Now that the first @playdate are shipping, I am thrilled to announce my 👉🏼NEW GAME👈🏼 about a tiny person with a bouncy butt…
  430. RT @pangmeli: bad byproducts of curating and optimizing for 'relevance' - overvaluing the current and topical, devaluing the rest - contriv…
  431. controversial Severance opinion: I have watched two episodes and have decided to not watch any more because it doesn't seem like anyone is having a nice time.
  432. …in reply to @v21
    at least in Hannibal, Hannibal was enjoying himself. and sometimes they got to eat nice food (the food was sometimes people)
  433. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted oh I love this
  434. …in reply to @thricedotted
    @thricedotted it is hard to do because generally for plotting you want stroke vectors but fonts are outline vectors! but you could plot the outline while varying it. dunno if it'd be that interesting... but actually, I've got an idea
  435. …in reply to @v21
    @thricedotted oh, actually, never mind, looks like @slitscanner is offline
  436. …in reply to @puppymoth
    @puppymoth can I have one miscellaneous object, please
  437. most delicious time to nap
  438. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort mmm, I am a big fan of getting sleepy in the afternoon and just leaning all the way I to it
  439. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @everestpipkin you are a cat
  440. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow I love the idea of this but it would require me to be someone who wakes up and then gets out of bed even if I'm still sleepy
  441. …in reply to @v21
    @katbamkapow it doesn't feel like a nap if i just lie there for a bit first
  442. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly i kind of like Sex Education for this? it is weirdly refreshing to see a show set in Wales but also America somehow
  443. …in reply to @v21
    @nielsen_holly like it is at the very least acknowledging the fantasy nature of it all
  444. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain number three looks like he just sauntered out of an Edward Gorey book
  445. RT @kymtje: The last line here 💀
  446. RT @SarahTaber_bww: What really happened in the poultry industry? Not agribusiness takeover! What really happened: poultry used to be wom…
  447. the arc i have been on with Adrian Chiles' columns! i'm now fully won over. finally there's a good opinion piece about toilets theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/21/urinal-in-my-flat-changed-my-life-so-why-are-people-appalled
  448. …in reply to @v21
    always with art it's the thing you dislike at first, then come to learn the motivations and intentions behind it, that you find the most affection for
  449. close things are large. far away things are small. very far away things are tiny. very very very very far away things are a bit bigger again. @AstroKatie/1516550946247122945
  450. …in reply to @v21
    because... if you look at something very very very very far away, you're seeing something from a long long long long time ago. and a long long long long time ago, everything, the whole universe, the stars, the spacing between the light travelling towards you... was smaller.
  451. …in reply to @KeirRice
    @KeirRice right, but the universe got bigger *while the light was in flight*. the light was far away from big sources of gravity, so it didn't (proportionately) shrink like the source galaxy did.
  452. …in reply to @KeirRice
    @KeirRice yeah, the "angular size" bit is tricky!
  453. someone please write this article/blog post @mtrc/1517096748979740672
  454. …in reply to @zoyander
    @zoyander right!
  455. …in reply to @tburrellsaward
    @tburrellsaward @Raspberry_Pi @prehensile Tim: laser cut studio logo at a thoughtful angle Henry: dymo label saying "ARSE"
  456. RT @joncstone: a lot of 'anti-social behaviour' is actually just people being social, a good illustration
  457. …in reply to @prehensile
  458. …in reply to @v21
    thinking about this FT game, and about this genre of policy-em-ups @alexhern/1517111385888600065?s=20&t=xmSYHau0As-qpoQflDvG-Q
  459. …in reply to @v21
    i reckon the biggest choice you have to make designing these is: who are you playing as? King of the World, Minister for Whatever, Random Q. Citizen, the collective will of world governments, The Mayor (along with: what are your politics/what's the model of the world you have)
  460. …in reply to @v21
    this is one reason Democratic Socialism Simulator is good - it's premise is straightforward about your role, and aims to illuminate the limits of your actions. you are the new President of the USA, now let's see what you can do with it. molleindustria.org/demsocsim/
  461. …in reply to @v21
    another way to look at it, is that most of these games start from a technocratic, centrist premise - if we can just find The Fix (which is complicated will have compromises, sure), then we just need to persuade those with power to implement it. and then job done.
  462. …in reply to @v21
    and from that technocratic premise they soon start running into tricky questions about vested interests, popular opinion, media campaigns... the exercise of power, basically. where it gets real, and where it gets interesting, and where these games often have to bodge it.
  463. …in reply to @tomblackuk
    @tomblackuk yeah - but (and i'm sure this is something that comes into it) - it's not just formal powers but about the way other people respond to your actions.
  464. this problem is called Goodhart's Law and once you start looking for it you see it everywhere @ryanqnorth/1517120590603337728
  465. …in reply to @jomc
    @jomc TWO books! TWO! wowow
  466. RT @mousefountain: The uncanny aesthetic styling of this! It ends up looking like a fake game mocked up for a show and meant to look like w…
  467. …in reply to @2lieues
    @2lieues that's the Cosmic Background Radiation!
  468. RT @sarahjeong: for conservation week i got to write about how produce stickers don't decompose, something my friends have been forced to h…
  469. RT @nhyphenc: Thrilled to be launching the inaugural issue of “the html review” a little literary magazine for poetry and literature meant…
  470. RT @neuroecology: You can plant an undetectable backdoor in any deep learning model arxiv.org/abs/2204.06974
  471. RT @katbamkapow: yesterday when i was playing disco elysium, kim kitsuragi told me that he didn't have opinions on facts. this prompted me…
  472. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow getta load of the librarycop over here
  473. here's an early illustration from Johannes Zahn, explaining the basic principles behind raytracing
  474. …in reply to @v21
    did you know raytracing was invented in the 17th century? strange but true
  475. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall a while since i've read it, but yeah, does seem like that's a thing it's riffing off
  476. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall it made me think a lot of Doom Patrol, but my memory of Doom Patrol is not quite exact enough to identify something as a Zone
  477. …in reply to @v21
    @dannybirchall like, arguably Danny is a Zone, but one that can move and pop up, so not quite right. The Painting That Ate Paris... alternate place (containing a real place), so not quite right.
  478. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall it is... but it's also of it's time? also, depends on how you feel about Grant Morrison. I've been enjoying the new TV adaptation, too, which more explicitly brings out themes of queer family & traumatized people (badly) supporting other traumatized people.
  479. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall I mean, it's rarely boring. Give it a shot!
  480. …in reply to @dannybirchall
    @dannybirchall at the start of the Grant Morrison run, I think so?
  481. RT @russss: Now the LHC is starting up again, periodic reminder that you can gaze at their fantastic, impenetrable dashboards on the public…
  482. RT @Dr_Sportello: When the US tried to export Jim Crow to Iraq’s education system, using sect as the identity fault line: https://t.co/HMgM…
  483. here is a coool interview with me about Downpour! @Polygon/1517492207124680707
  484. RT @ManishEarth: https://t.co/pj01dm7M0h
  485. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen @AnnaHollinrake ah-hahah, thank you thank you (guess i'd better get on and finish it, huh)
  486. bubble chamber
  487. …in reply to @waxpancake
    @waxpancake [it's 9 SVG files, so i'm gonna render out 4 of them & attach them here. apologies for the editing, but Twitter won't allow them as is!]
  488. RT @vectorpoem: @tyunderwood it's interesting how platform capitalism transmogrifies the "get your 1000 bad drawings out" advice for artist…
  489. …in reply to @SeaExcursion
    @SeaExcursion aw, thank you!
  490. …in reply to @GDLP__
    @GDLP__ ah-haha. time to tweak some parameters...
  491. …in reply to @cgenco
  492. …in reply to @notyourwaif
    @notyourwaif The only time Number Six from The Prisoner kissed anyone in the series was when they did a body swap thing. Because Patrick McGoohan refused to kiss anyone he wasn't married to.
  493. …in reply to @Ninfa_dp
    @Ninfa_dp emailing/reaching out to people. takes me so long to do it, it's such a drag
  494. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv it's people who are usually operating from a position of less power who have the incentive to get really good
  495. RT @mmiatime: "i will face god and walk backwards into hell" is a dril quote that people keep mistaking for serious literature but "that's…
  496. …in reply to @freezydorito
    @freezydorito haha, I just screenshotted the same thing
  497. …in reply to @v21
  498. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle congratulations!! very happy for you
  499. …in reply to @Noahpinion
    @Noahpinion you don't think the case of Roshonara Choudhry shows an example of YouTube radicalisation? see her police interview, here: theguardian.com/uk/2010/nov/03/roshonara-choudhry-police-interview#:~:text=Q%20OK%2C%20why%20did%20you%20watch%20those%20videos%3F
  500. RT @unormal: I think elden ring does a very very sly job of integrating difficulty settings in a diagetic way
  501. RT @rachelcoldicutt: You have to be pretty digitally savvy to have a shared household email address, and most bank/utility accounts don’t m…
  502. …in reply to @GoodwinMJ
    @GoodwinMJ why would you become an academic when you could earn far more in the private sector... unless you believed in the common good & were willing to make personal sacrifices to contribute to it?
  503. …in reply to @v21
    consistency and findability in node naming @bgolus/1517969180569395200
  504. RT @TheWhitePube: This week's text is something a bit different. It's not a review, it's not an essay, it's kind of just a story. So it mak…
  505. …in reply to @shahidkamal
    @shahidkamal third time's the charm
  506. RT @FinitePhysicist: mom said it was my turn to use the electron
  507. …in reply to @SerinDelaunay
    @SerinDelaunay @bmp_hax ahh, that makes sense, the SVG rule is parsed in a browser context, and IMG a library told to go fetch.
  508. …in reply to @PeterMoskos
    @PeterMoskos @samswey what's the evidence base for giving cops more money?
  509. RT @jjvincent: it reflects the corporate control OpenAI exerts (beta users are not allowed to share images with realistic faces, hence: ba…
  510. RT @youngvulgarian: sorry I realise this is a very random rant but it is mind blowing that we've ended up in an online world so dumb that t…
  511. if you are thinking of leaving twitter & would like to stay in touch, you can: email me: vtwentyone@gmail.com follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/vtwentyone/ subscribe to the newsletter i might someday send: buttondown.email/v21 or visit my website: v21.io
  512. …in reply to @v21
    phone number available on request
  513. RT @bexbassell: Oh? You’re a game developer? Explain to me the cultural significance of the 1996 release of “Barbie Fashion Designer” for P…
  514. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine Mastodon works if you are part of a community of people who all use Mastodon together. It is hard to join & then find your people there.
  515. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine yeah - the trend at the moment seems to be for people to gather in private little spaces, but I still get a lot from existing in public (not least promoting my shit)
  516. …in reply to @zoyander
    @zoyander i feel guilty about it & want to change to something else! the situation with the Chagossians is awful
  517. …in reply to @v21
    @zoyander er... by which i mean. thank you
  518. guess this would be a good time to release my new social network, huh? let's see if i can finish it up this afternoon
  519. …in reply to @v21
    I have also written a blogpost talking about what it is & why: v21.io/blog/announcing-frog-chorus
  520. new project, with @vivschwarz : frogchorus.com a social network for frogs
  521. …in reply to @v21
    hey look, i did it @v21/1518648201582190594
  522. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio thank you for participating. your frog:
  523. RT @mewo2: If you're considering leaving Twitter for something better, I'm the blue frog with red eyes and white cheeks, just down and righ…
  524. …in reply to @lefishy
    @lefishy @vivschwarz oh no? i'm sorry/i'm glad
  525. …in reply to @v21
    oh, i guess i should also add: if you want to support me making tools & social spaces online, then you can do that at my Patreon patreon.com/v21
  526. …in reply to @cooldooski
    @cooldooski thank you for participating. your frog:
  527. …in reply to @esaxey
    @esaxey @hollygramazio i'm light pink & grey, upper right
  528. …in reply to @v21
    if you're thinking of leaving Twitter for a new social network, follow me on frog chorus! i'm the grey & pink mottled frog in the upper right corner
  529. …in reply to @esdin
    @esdin thank you for participating. your frog:
  530. …in reply to @v21
    beautiful chaos, i love this
  531. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski thank you for participating. your frog:
  532. …in reply to @BrendenGibbons
    @BrendenGibbons thank you for participating. your frog:
  533. …in reply to @wjjjjt
  534. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski @vivschwarz ah, thanks, will fix that
  535. …in reply to @v21
    tool assisted big frog
  536. …in reply to @edwardteaching
    @lupinlesbian who knows, i only learned from this tweet that he'd succeeded. but i'm not (yet) worried. (not least because CBDQ bots shouldn't be spam)
  537. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv can i interest you in a chatroom where everyone is a frog & all you can do is ribbit? frogchorus.com/
  538. RT @v21: if you are thinking of leaving twitter & would like to stay in touch, you can: email me: vtwentyone@gmail.com follow me on Instagr…
  539. …in reply to @v21
    hey, wait, ignore all that. if you need me you can find me in the pond @v21/1518654855971315726
  540. …in reply to @v21
    @Sosowski @vivschwarz this should be fixed now, would you mind checking?
  541. …in reply to @v21
    @Sosowski @vivschwarz (i don't have a iOS device on me & my Android doesn't seem to do this)
  542. …in reply to @Sosowski
  543. …in reply to @v21
    my attempt at a system with the smallest satisfying degree of expression: v21.io/blog/announcing-frog-chorus
  544. so besides Musk's general proclivity for chaos, bad management and petty feuds, a big concern with this deal is that it loads Twitter up with so much debt all it's current profits will be needed just to pay down the interest.
  545. …in reply to @v21
    so either Musk finds more money to keep pumping into Twitter to keep it afloat, Twitter manages to increase revenue significantly, Twitter manages to decrease costs significantly, or Twitter ends up being owned by the banks that backed the deal
  546. …in reply to @yankooliveira
    @yankooliveira @everestpipkin @vivschwarz hey, that's great to hear, thanks for sharing
  547. …in reply to @yankooliveira
    @yankooliveira thank you for participating. your frog:
  548. I can vouch for the power & joy of being in a small community with friends, and shitposting together. @tinysubversions/1518667334746984449
  549. …in reply to @v21
    Discord is easier to set up, but it's nice to hang out somewhere you're not beholden to an implacable corporate entity. And posting just hits different to a chat room.
  550. …in reply to @v21
    Posting isn't *to* anyone. The default audience is the void. It's liberating.
  551. RT @rebekka_m: "You can’t choose your username, you can’t choose your colour or pitch, you can’t choose where you sit within the pond. I gu…
  552. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou oh, I'm happy to burble on in friend camp
  553. …in reply to @v21
    i just came here to post about this! a magical moment, especially when we all got it dead on and all ribbited in perfect unison @mousefountain/1518693216480120835
  554. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial thank you for participating. your frog:
  555. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain thank you for participating. your frog:
  556. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @everestpipkin thank you for participating. your frog:
  557. …in reply to @NotInventedHere
    @NotInventedHere thank you for participating. your frog:
  558. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @everestpipkin @mousefountain it only occurred to me afterwards. but. y'know... i just don't want to.
  559. …in reply to @mjmcmaster
    @mjmcmaster thank you for participating. your frog:
  560. …in reply to @MaxKriegerVG
    @MaxKriegerVG it's not that cunning a heist, he's got tens of billions of his own money (/debts secured against Tesla stock) at stake.
  561. …in reply to @v21
    if you would like to read about the financial structure of the deal, i would point you to today's Money Stuff bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-25/elon-closes-in namely Elon has about $33bn of his own money on the line
  562. …in reply to @v21
    what i am saying is: let's think big @CanisOxide/1518587984869662720
  563. …in reply to @austin_walker
    @austin_walker @Ghost buttondown is $5 per month per 1000 subscribers (first 1000 free). less fancy & not sure it has a paid subscription offering, but...
  564. …in reply to @ttl_anderson
    @ttl_anderson thank you for participating. your frog:
  565. …in reply to @ttl_anderson
    @ttl_anderson it sounds like it might be a bug? does seem like state can get a little out of sync
  566. …in reply to @iznaut
    @iznaut thank you for participating. your frog:
  567. RT @hollygramazio: Absolutely delighted by @v21's Frog Chorus v21.io/blog/announcing-frog-chorus, which is a social-ish network-ish where you are a fr…
  568. RT @tomokihara: Looking for good examples of Twitter bots that generate videos like @aceCourtBot, any others out there that’s interesting?
  569. I guess the thing is that I am not surprised that the social network which feels the most like "public space", the place where all the contexts are overlaid on each other, would be full of terrible people.
  570. …in reply to @v21
    "but I just want to have a nice time with my friends" yes, that's why everyone increasingly hangs out in smaller private or semi-private spaces online
  571. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern I don't know that "a single space where all your friends are" is necessarily what people want? This was the whole Facebook=>Google+ thing, you kind of want different contexts for different groups of people.
  572. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern right, which is what Discord increasingly provides
  573. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern for me, Twitter is less social, just because it is so public. I'm not talking about my bad mood or nice walk on here (much). but what it does have is the echoes of stuff happening in scenes I'm distantly connected to. possibly bad for me, but I love it.
  574. …in reply to @SaraLStanley
    @SaraLStanley @Sosowski @vivschwarz huh, thanks for letting me know, will have a look
  575. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski thank you for participating. your frog:
  576. …in reply to @v21
    me, i enjoy learning about the beefs @fireh9lly/1518868972216668161
  577. RT @FlipChartRick: It’s the 3rd anniversary of #Fencegate, when the Charity of William Hobbayne fenced off part of St Margaret’s Open Space…
  578. …in reply to @patrickashe
  579. sneak peek
  580. …in reply to @ojahnn
    @ojahnn thank you for participating. your frog:
  581. …in reply to @v21
    frogs across the world @mjmcmaster/1518704932576464897
  582. RT @Short_Box: 'GL, HF' by @ohitszhou: a comic on Pokemon, being online, and connection 1/2
  583. RT @Sierra_OffLine: In 1981, Martin Kahn, codeveloper of The Print Shop, published a coloring book of his computer art. My own copy, direct…
  584. RT @fireh9lly: Except the thing is, it is actually normal, isn't it? People still look at me funny when I remind everyone that John Peel us…
  585. …in reply to @tmoll_
    @tmoll_ whoaa! I wanna hear! (I'm online now, if you're about)
  586. RT @BrianLeeWow: one time during crunch a producer was giving us a pep talk and said "i want you all to make a game you're proud to have yo…
  587. RT @omarieclaire: We’re doing a drone jam! Come make experimental games with us? You might write out instructions for a drone walk? Or mak…
  588. …in reply to @tmoll_
    @tmoll_ I did! haha, wow
  589. …in reply to @v21
    recorded music (and artificial frogs) have arrived in the pond @tmoll_/1519010573945430017?t=EYF1OdkYWl9LYmrGdM_SWQ&s=19
  590. …in reply to @v21
    incidentally, if you're looking for somewhere private to hang out away from the cacophony of the big pond, there's a few special ponds to find. eg: you can go out on the mudflats frogchorus.com/?pond=the_mud
  591. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @everestpipkin doesn't it just!
  592. RT @WillManidis: gifted/talented programs remain one of the sinister fixtures of the American education system when I was in high school a…
  593. …in reply to @visakanv
    @visakanv recent stuff I've been doing has illuminated quite how open you can be about what you're doing, just so long as you don't Announce. the people who are engaged will get it, other people won't. and then you can announce, surprise! when you're good & ready
  594. RT @DilettanteryPod: Juma Xipaya, the first woman to lead the Xipaya people (in the Brazilian Amazon). She has survived assassination attem…
  595. …in reply to @pillowfort
    @pillowfort @nielsen_holly Ah, I used to live round the corner and went there all the time for a nice lunchtime coffee (also good for films)
  596. …in reply to @siobhangx
    @esjexe it's a sneak peek!
  597. RT @VeraNijveld: I just discovered this amazing black magic calendar by Manuel Orazi (1860-1934). Full and zoomable version on @GallicaBn…
  598. …in reply to @moreelen
    @moreelen @WeCanFixItInUI i would be interested in this! although thinking about it, i'm not sure if i'm a game designer at the moment
  599. …in reply to @v21
    @moreelen @WeCanFixItInUI @flexmandeville you strike me as someone who would know of this, if it exists?
  600. …in reply to @iRNY
    @iRNY @moreelen well, my website says "artist / curator / game designer / creative technologist / etc", so... (I don't think of Downpour or Frog Chorus as games, but maybe on a different day or when I want to be contrary I might change my mind)
  601. …in reply to @iRNY
    @iRNY thank you for participating. your frog:
  602. …in reply to @iRNY
    @iRNY @moreelen i feel like all the professions i've listed are already the things you call yourself when you're a jack of all trades... (okay, maybe sub in "game developer" for "game designer")
  603. what if i made a B2B service which can detect if someone has *really* printed out a form & scanned it in again, or if they just used a site like lookscanned.io/ to fake it
  604. …in reply to @martinpi
    @martinpi okay, new plan: i plausibly threaten to do this unless everyone collectively pays me off
  605. …in reply to @v21
    @martinpi blackmail-as-a-service
  606. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate 2038 (in the context of signed 32-bit epoch rollover)
  607. …in reply to @v21
    i love videogames readmedottxt.tumblr.com/ (a collection of excerpts from mod readme files - pretty much every post has the vibes I'm trying to channel in this thread)
  608. working at a large company has given me the habit of making sure every meeting is a Google Calendar invite with a Zoom link & maybe even an agenda in the description and now when i have freelance meetings it seems like i really have my shit together
  609. Lemme vouch for Marie - she was the curator of the V&A Videogames exhibition & is one of the sharpest people I know on the subject of putting digital experiences into a physical space. And you can work with her! @tigershungry/1519314540919414786
  610. …in reply to @robertpeacock22
    @robertpeacock22 Agenda: do you want to give me some money, y/n ?
  611. RT @mxsage: WIP @ nervous system
  612. RT @vogon: nerds love making the mistake that "embrace, extend, extinguish" was a specific policy microsoft invented and not just a pithy s…
  613. RT @Choplogik: last modified 2005-02-12 blog.geocities.institute/
  614. RT @depthsofwiki: I'm sure some people already know this, but one of my favorite fun facts is that there was a painting in the background o…
  615. …in reply to @flexmandeville
  616. RT @shannonmattern: From Cauleen Smith:
  617. RT @shannonmattern: From Maxine Hong Kingston: “In the past, I’d choose to write… If my friends were going out, then I’d stay home… It’s ve…
  618. …in reply to @littlegoodfrog
    @littlegoodfrog @kimmyposting hello, just thought I'd say hi & say that I just saw one of the lake comics, enjoyed it, read to the end of the thread, came back and started reading from the start, saw about the twitter bot & thought I'd say hi since I made CBDQ! I love the comic! The characters feel so alive!
  619. RT @piercepenniless: Much of the left’s attention today will rightly be on the abhorrent & repressive policing bill and its restrictions on…
  620. RT @yesterdaysprint: Des Moines Tribune, Iowa, December 22, 1928
  621. …in reply to @underskinnyhrt
    @underskinnyhrt most people don't care, because... why would you?? but some places are arsey about it.
  622. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr Chumbawamba. although the stuff I really like is less "bangers" and more "rousing acoustic singalong celebrating the Kinder Scout trespass"
  623. wonder what proportion are for gender transition care? I'm obviously likely to see more of those, but I see a lot of those. And God knows NHS coverage is neither comprehensive or timely. @jburnmurdoch/1519706457037586435
  624. …in reply to @ibogost
    @ibogost yep, that seems about right for a relatively small run custom electronic product with a standard profit margin. this stuff is hard to make!
  625. RT @HJosephineGiles: I've been thinking a lot about this, about what happened to the surge of mutual aid efforts in 2020. I've come to thi…
  626. big news: "It thus becomes possible, and we hope even convenient, for choice-based games for console, mobile or desktop to use Inform, if they wish, purely for world-modelling, conversation, or dynamic text generation." intfiction.org/t/inform-7-v10-1-0-is-now-open-source/55674
  627. …in reply to @v21
    the thing i love about it most is that the remarkable thing about the tweet is not what it says but the process by which it came to say it
  628. …in reply to @v21
    these release notes are inspirational. the 29th anniversary of Inform's first release! the largest ever literate program! a whole new infrastructure and scaffolding, but still keeping surface level compatibility!
  629. …in reply to @masctrologer
    @masctrologer @CartaMonir Napkin is so good
  630. …in reply to @porges
    @porges i had a little argument with myself about whether to bring up Borges, and i lost
  631. …in reply to @v21
    some beautiful sentences in the source code: "Scenes are gated intervals of time, but there are more than two gates: for while there is only one past, there are many possible futures." (ganelson.github.io/inform/if-module/3-scn.html)
  632. …in reply to @v21
  633. …in reply to @v21
    (incidentally, if you want to read more from me on the role of context in creating meaning for bots, I wrote a whole chapter on it for the academic book "Procedural Storytelling in Game Design", ed Tanya Short & Tarn Adams)
  634. RT @eb_txt: Bicycles are so much fun and are so convenient. It's a lot faster than walking.
  635. RT @kentbye: Artificial General Intelligence has morphed into a mythical goal of Silicon Valley tech companies where where harvesting surve…
  636. RT @ModernBritain: Red Road Flats, Glasgow.
  637. …in reply to @SzMarsupial
    @SzMarsupial bet they hate that
  638. RT @doodlyroses: The people who manufacture bathtub trays seem to have no idea what women actually do in the bath and I find that strangely…
  639. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno @FoleyArtists i mean, the whole premise of the bot was to flirt with the idea of producing this one tweet. but i guess it's less specifically focused on this one concept.
  640. …in reply to @v21
    logging onto this as listening to frogs ribbit back and forth to each other continues to be a joy to me. very glad that people are coming back, even after the initial rush has died down some.
  641. …in reply to @v21
    my real hope is that groups of friends continue to visit a private pond to check in with each other, long term. don't know if it'll happen, but... that's what i built it for.
  642. RT @NotBrunoAgain: We think of mushrooms as being "the fungus" but really a mushroom is just a temporary structure that the fungus, which a…
  643. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern it should have audio on mobile! although v fair play to you if your phone is just on mute the whole time
  644. every once in a while i go looking for this comic because it is my eternal mood, and so i'm gonna post it here so i can find it in the future. here's some stuff to search for: it's by Anna Syvertsson. "i suck at replying to messages". pineapple.
  645. RT @MartinNutbeem: This is glorious. #BeAFrog
  646. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jazzmickle it's fine, I'll just look for the time you said the word "search" to me
  647. …in reply to @hautepop
    @hautepop people I know old enough and rich enough to not have housemates are tending to... move to Kent with their partners and get a garden?
  648. …in reply to @tanyaxshort
    @tanyaxshort they can be a useful lens... but mainly I have experienced them as a thing where bosses and execs insist I categorise parts of gameplay into "core loops" and "other loops" and I kind of shrug and say it's a bit more complicated than that (and then do it anyway)
  649. …in reply to @v21
    @tanyaxshort like, I get it, it's a lens worth applying, but so often haggling over the definition and categorisation of gameplay into loops took the place of trying to understand why it would be appealing to do, whether it would hang together, and what was most important to build first.
  650. RT @hanamomoact: エンジンかかり始め。
  651. …in reply to @WeThrowSwitches
    @WeThrowSwitches @chipzel have you spoke to the @emfcamp folk about bringing it there? strikes me it might be a good fit for their village space
  652. RT @zerstoerer: in the promo for stanley parable: ultra deluxe, we created entirely new environments, recorded unique dialogue and modified…
  653. …in reply to @WeThrowSwitches
    @WeThrowSwitches @chipzel @emfcamp oh, that's good to hear. but yes, also i can understand that. i'll be there, tho, health willing - be nice to hang out if you are, TYL or not!
  654. RT @ftrain: You know how you might get news from the doctor, they call at work, and you know your life is gonna be different, a lot of medi…
  655. …in reply to @v21
  656. this tool is very exciting @everestpipkin/1520167025401860098
  657. hey wow I love collecting new hypothesised causes for ME/CFS and I think "poo blood" is possibly the most disgusting? @punished3liza/1520449317336608768
  658. that feeling when a joke you keep threatening to make is made by someone else already @an_alexa_k/1422625523138797572
  659. …in reply to @Katie_TriPixels
    @Katie_TriPixels i had an account! i was "✂️" but the joke is more that a social network can be entirely composed of reactions to reactions, a tree of reactions, with only one post necessary to provide the scaffolding to the whole thing.
  660. wrote a blog post about the many ways people use the "content warning" feature on Mastodon v21.io/blog/uses-of-cws
  661. …in reply to @v21
    here is the tweet thread version, from... 2018?? what is time? @v21/1074959482524962816
  662. …in reply to @v21
    maybe i should've looked at the thread before writing the post. cuz this is a great example: @ojahnn/1074965863462264834
  663. RT @atomicthumbs: learning about Devo 2.0, a Devo cover band composed of child actors and created for Walt Disney Records, who changed the…
  664. RT @glanderco: i got to go on my favorite tv show AND sing my favorite song... blessed 🙏😇
  665. …in reply to @glanderco
    @glanderco what the fuck, amazing, you grabbed this opportunity with both hands
  666. RT @kettlecorn: I offloaded some thoughts about WebAssembly vs Javascript into a blog post: ianjk.com/webassembly-vs-javascript/ In summary: * Wasm is…